One of the most important verses in all Scripture is found in 1 Peter 1: 7: “That when your faith is put to the test, much more precious than gold, which though perishable is tried with fire, it may be found in praise, glory. and honor when Jesus Christ is manifested ”.
Peter also tells us what we can expect to face in such trials of faith: "Although now for a little time, if necessary, you may have to be afflicted in various trials" (verse 6). Peter says, "If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you will be severely tested."
Peter makes it clear that such tests of faith are not intended for nominal Christians; These litmus tests are intended for 100% committed believers. Christians have a "living hope" because of their faith (1: 3).
In short, God tells us: “Your faith is precious to me, more precious than all the riches of this world, which will one day perish! And in these last days, when the enemy sends all kinds of evil against you, I want you to be able to stand strong, with unshakable faith. "
Beloved, the test of our faith is important because the saving and liberating power of God is released according to our faith in him. The stronger our faith, the more his keeping power will be released in our lives.
Paul testifies that he endured severe adversity and trials: "Serving the Lord with all humility, and with many tears, and trials that have come upon me" (Acts 20:19). He was acknowledging, "I know that in everything I go through, the Lord is trying to mold something into me." He wants to manifest lasting faith!
And James writes: "Count it all joy when you find yourself in various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience" (James 1: 2-3). Santiago is saying: "Every time hard trials come your way, rejoice!" The Lord is at work, bringing you to a place of rest and faith in him.